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Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Join Reproducibility Project; Grants Available
Posted by: Johanna Cohoon
Title/Position: Project Coordinator
School/Organization: Center for Open Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 17th, 2013

The Reproducibility Project: Psychology is an initiative to replicate psychological studies and, through that process, evaluate how research practices may impact our results. We are hoping to create a closer scientific community with improved research practices. Currently, we have over 150 different authors involved in the project, but with hundreds of papers left to replicate there is plenty of room for more involvement.

We can provide many resources for participating researchers and labs–grants, a guide to conducting a replication, full time staff devoted to answering questions and providing support, and an active community of volunteers who can help with any roadblocks.

For more information, visit the RP:P website:

or read about the Center for Open Science:

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