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 Deadline Reminder for EASP 2014 General Meeting
Posted by: Jean-Claude Croizet
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Poitiers
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 3rd, 2013

Dear colleagues (sorry for the cross-posting),

The General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology will be held July 9-12, 2014 in Amsterdam. We would like to remind you that the deadline for submission is approaching. If you want to present your research at this meeting, you have until this coming Friday, November 8 at 24:00 GMT to submit your proposal through the portal ( Please note that proposals submitted after this date will not be considered. For instructions, please visit the conference website at:

Looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam,

The scientific committee
Jean-Claude Croizet, Université de Poitiers (Chair)
Geoffrey Haddock, Cardiff University (Attitudes, Emotion, Motivation)
Johannes Keller, Universität Ulm (Social cognition)
Carolyn Morf, Universität Bern (Interpersonal processes)
Michelle Ryan, University of Exeter (Intergroup relations)
Dario Spini, Université de Lausanne (Group processes)

The local organizing committee
Agneta Fischer, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kai Jonas, Universiteit van Amsterdam

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