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 CFP: EASP 2014 Conference Paper Submissions Open
Posted by: Kai Jonas
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 9th, 2013


Deadline for submission: Friday, 08 November 2013 at 24:00 hours GMT
EASP General Meeting in Amsterdam
9-12 July 2014, with preconferences being held on 8 July 2014

Click this link to access the paper submission site:

PLEASE NOTE: There are some changes for our conference this time. It is very important that you read the submission information carefully.
We are asking for more information because there will be a Conference App. You can upload a photo of yourself. This will be used in the Conference App and makes it much easier to identify speakers and colleagues you do not yet know personally. In addition, you can upload a short bio of yours, or other relevant information, for example that you are looking for a job – this will be available within the App, next to your abstract.

Remember: You can only be a presenting first author once – this does not include a symposium (co-)chair or discussant status.
The chairs of the symposia submit the complete symposium proposal. Therefore, symposium chairs need to gather the relevant information from their authors beforehand.
EASP 2014 is on Facebook:
and Twitter: and (@easp2014) as well.

You can also see the website for links. Please join and subscribe – we are going to post relevant information there as well.

If you have any questions about submitting your work please consider the information on the website first. Only in case of doubt, please get in contact with the program committee. We welcome your contributions!

Tips for Online Submission:


Have your information ready to upload!

In a nutshell, you need title, short and long abstract and a picture of yourself. Stick absolutely to the word limits (for the title 15 words, for the short abstract 40 words, for the long abstract 250 words). Submissions have to be final and cannot be changed afterwards.


Plan ahead!

The Symposium Organizer submits the complete symposium proposal, and enters all of the panel information including the abstracts, and listing of all panel participants. Stick absolutely to the word limits (for the title 15 words, for the short abstract 40 words, for the long abstract 250 words). Submissions have to be final and cannot be changed afterwards.
Please note: The last few days of the paper submission period have traditionally been periods of very high activity. We strongly urge early submissions in order to avoid problems.
We are looking forward to your submissions and seeing you in Amsterdam!

Kai J Jonas & Agneta Fischer and Jean-Claude Croizet
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee

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