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 Call for Unpublished Papers on Stereotype Change
Posted by: Kylie McIntyre
Title/Position: Contract Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Newcastle
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: August 31st, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Stefania Paolini, Miles Hewstone, and I are conducting a meta-analytic review of studies that examine the process of member-to-group generalisation. We are particularly interested in the relationship between the presentation of out-group information on different out-group measures (stereotyping, dispersion and/or prejudice).

We are therefore looking for unpublished papers that:

1. Provided participants with information about out-group members, this information can be stereotype confirming or disconfirming.
2. Information may be presented via any means, but specifically excludes contact situations.
3. Participants complete dependent measures for the outgroup in general.

We have already identified over 50 empirical papers through our search of databases such as PsycLIT, PsychINFO, Social Science Journals and ERIC. We are hoping to include dissertations, unpublished manuscripts and work in press. We are equally interested in work that did not find relationships as in work that did.

If you have any work that you think might vaguely fit our criteria please send it on and we can sort it out! (Or if you want more details, please feel free to contact me.) We would be grateful for any relevant work that you would like to share with us. Please send any manuscripts either electronically ( or by regular mail to the address below.

Kind regards,

Kylie McIntyre

Kylie McIntyre
c/o Stefania Paolini
School of Psychology
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308

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