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Quant Methods training courses - MLM, SEM, LGCM |
Posted by: | Dr Chris Stride |
Title/Position: | Senior Lecturer/Statistician |
School/Organization: | University of Sheffield |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSSI, SESP |
Date posted: | August 8th, 2013 |
A series of one-day quantitative methods training courses for social scientists, to be held in November 2013 at Birkbeck College, London and Dublin City University, Dublin
Dublin City University, Dublin:
Wednesday 6th November 2013 - Multilevel Modelling using SPSS
Thursday 7th November 2013 - Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus
Friday 8th November 2013 - Latent Growth Curve Modelling using Mplus
Birkbeck College, London:
Monday 11th November 2013 - the SPSS syntax language and Data Management skills
Tuesday 12th November 2013 - Multilevel Modelling using SPSS
Thursday 14th November 2013 - Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus
Friday 15th November 2013 - Latent Growth Curve Modelling using Mplus
Full details of the content, timings etc for each course, testimonials from past attendees, venue location directions and booking forms are now available at http://www.offbeat.group.shef.ac.uk/FIO/trainingcourses.htm
For the courses on 6th and 7th November, the fee is £225, with a student rate of £175.
For the courses on 8th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th November, the fee is £200, with a student rate of £150.
A further reduction of £50 on the total fee is available to anyone booking on to two or more courses.
For the courses on 8th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th , course delegates will need to bring their own laptops with the appropriate software installed: i.e.
for the courses on 11th, 12th November, SPSS.
for the course on 14th November, Mplus - the free demo' version will do, which is a *free* download from www.statmodel.com
for the courses on 8th, 15th November, Mplus - the full 'basic' version is required.
If London or Dublin are too far to travel and there are a number of people from your organisation looking for such training, note that these courses and further courses on advanced SPSS syntax and the macro language, and Multiple Regression are also available on an inhouse basis in the UK, Europe and Worldwide (we 'did' Australia last year so nowhere is too far!). See http://www.figureitout.org.uk for details of our inhouse and bespoke training.