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 Lawrence Messé Memorial Lecture
Posted by: Norbert L. Kerr
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Michigan State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: May 31st, 2005

Dear friend or colleague of Larry Messé,

Since his untimely death last December, we have been exploring some options for using the resources of a Memorial Fund created to honor Larry’s memory. After some discussion and consultation with his wife, Sue, and with others, it has been decided that the Fund will sponsor The Lawrence A. Messé Memorial Lecture annually at Michigan State University. Our plan is to invite an accomplished scholar from Larry’s field of study, social/personality psychology, to give a lecture and meet with students, faculty, and visitors at Michigan State. This lecture would typically take place early in the Fall Semester (e.g., September or October) of each academic year. With the resources currently in the Fund, we hope to sponsor this event for several years to come.

We are also very pleased to announce that Professor Daniel M. Wegner of Harvard University has agreed to deliver the inaugural Messé Memorial Lecture on September 30, 2005. Besides being a former student and longtime friend of Larry’s, Dan is a leading figure in our field who has done pioneering work on several topics, including thought suppression and other forms of mental control, action identification, and memory in groups and relationships (see his web site at for a sampling of his exciting work). Although most of the details remain to be arranged (you can check for the latest information), the lecture is tentatively scheduled for 3:30pm on 9/30/05 at the Psychology Building on the Michigan State University campus. Mark your calendars and if possible, join many of Larry’s family, friends, and colleagues for this special occasion.

Also, we are exploring a number of other possible activities to supplement the lecture. One possibility is to have a round-table discussion of Larry’s mentoring style by some of Larry’s former students. If you are a former student who might like to participate in such a discussion, please contact Norb Kerr ( We are also collecting photographs of Larry to post on the Lecture’s website; if you have some you’re willing to share, send them along to Norb Kerr.

We will also be consulting with colleagues and students at MSU, particularly those in Larry’s home unit, the Social/Personality Interest Group, to identify other exciting topics and speakers for future Lectures. We also welcome your suggestions for topics or speakers in this series (our email addresses are provided below). A guiding principle in selecting the speakers will be to reflect Larry’s lifelong commitment to excellence in scientific training and research.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend one or more of the Lectures and join us in celebrating Larry’s life and work.


Joel Aronoff

William D. Crano

Norbert L. Kerr

P.S. Please feel free to pass this announcement along to others.

P.P.S. If you are interested in making a donation to Larry’s Memorial Fund, you can do so by sending a check payable to Michigan State University and specifying that the tax-exempt donation is for the Lawrence A. Messé Memorial Lectureship (Account ANO 410). The address is MSU Development Office, 4700 S. Hagadorn, Suite 220, East Lansing, MI 48823-5399.

Messé Memorial Lecture website:

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