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 Forthcoming Postdoc at University of Virginia
Posted by: Benjamin Converse
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Psycholog
School/Organization: University of Virginia
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 18th, 2013

The Social Behavior and Decisions Lab at the University of Virginia anticipates hiring a postdoctoral Research Associate, for a period of two years, with a starting date of July 2013. The position will have connections to the Department of Psychology and to the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. The successful candidate will serve as a research associate funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation and will work on research projects related to goal conflict and decision making with the principal investigator of the grant, Benjamin Converse.

Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. (or to be expecting their degree in 2013) in psychology or organizational behavior/management; to have research experience in areas of psychology related to self-regulation, social judgment, and/or decision making; and to have a demonstrated record of academic publication in one or more of these areas. Preference will be given to candidates who are familiar with experimental and survey research methods, including conducting computer-, web-based, and interpersonal interaction-based experiments. The ideal candidate will also demonstrate commitment to future research in self-regulation and motivation, social exchange, social judgment, and/or decision-making.

The research associate will be expected to collaborate on the funded project, including design and administration of lab experiments and field experiments (including experience-sampling methodologies and a large-scale study in collaboration with the University of Virginia Cancer Center), data analysis, manuscript preparation, and general project development. The research associate will also assist in outreach, the preparation of reports tracking research progress, and other activities that further the goals of the grant. Additionally, there will be opportunities to develop collaborations on other, related areas of research.



This position has not yet been posted officially, but should make it through the university system soon. I wanted to give advance warning so that interested candidates could plan accordingly. Official applications will be made through the university's jobs website once the position is posted, but in the meantime interested candidates can inquire by emailing a CV and cover letter describing their research interests and experience to (The full application will also include 2-3 letters of recommendation, but these should NOT be submitted by email. Details about full applications will be forthcoming.)

Thank you,
Ben Converse

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