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 Middlesex University Dubai Conference
Posted by: Lynda Hyland
Title/Position: Lecturer/Member of Research Committee
School/Organization: Middlesex University Dubai
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 15th, 2013

First Call for Papers

Venue: The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE

Following on from the enormous success of the inaugural International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences in 2011, Middlesex University Dubai is delighted to announce that it will hold its Second International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS) from Tuesday 26th to Thursday 28th November 2013 in the Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, United Arab Emirates.

The objective of the conference is to provide an opportunity for academics to discuss new concepts, progressive methodologies, embryonic approaches and innovative practices within the world of business and the wider social environment. Given that social enquiry is still a maturing field of study within this region, it is crucial that business systems, processes and structures are considered in conjunction with contributions from such contemporary fields of discourse as media studies, psychology, sociology and tourism education. This is indeed pertinent for understanding service sector economies and societies, as well as comprehending the future role of education as a strategy and contributor to a sustainable learning culture and environment. Finally, the 2013 conference will include two additional tracks (Economics and Global Social Science), extend existing tracks, and introduce more emergent themes.

The conference will focus on the following tracks:
Business and Management
Contemporary Psychology
Education, Training and Development
Global Social Science
Information and Communications Technology
Media, Journalism and Communication
Tourism and Hospitality

Track 2: Contemporary Psychology
The psychology track of this conference encompasses a wide variety of areas, all of which have a focus on recent developments in the generation and application of psychological theory. We are inviting papers that identify, support or challenge contemporary theory and practice through psychological research, with an objective to generate productive discussion and debate on these topics.

Although we are open to any submission that is aligned with the goals of the conference and this track, we encourage submissions relating to the following themes:

• Assessment, prevention and treatment of psychological disorders in childhood
• The digital age: widening or weakening social support networks?
• Mental health and well-being in the workplace
• Methodological issues in psychological research
• Cross-cultural psychology
• Ageing well: psychological developments in gerontology
• Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of chronic illness: the changing role of psychology
• Consumer psychology
• International perspectives in positive psychology
• Applied research in sport psychology
• Clinical psychology: DSM-5, emerging disorders and changing criteria
• Advances in neurobiology and treatment of psychiatric disorders
• Human Behaviour and Cognition
• Cognitive task performance

Full details can be found at the conference website:
Our Keynote Speaker in Business is Mark Saunders FCIPD, Professor in Business Research Methods at the University of Surrey and our Keynote Speaker in Social Science is Louise Morley AcSS, Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research at the University of Sussex.

Important Deadlines
• Submission of Abstract : Tuesday, 5th March 2013
• Submission of Full Paper :Wednesday 26th June 2013
• Early Bird Registration : Thursday 11th July 2013
• Normal Registration : Friday 12th July – Saturday 26th October 2013
• Late Registration : Sunday 27th October – 19th November 2013
• Student Registration : Saturday 26th October 2013

The next step to joining us in Dubai is to submit your abstract! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries about the conference, and we look forwards to welcoming you to Dubai in November 2013.

Email for further details.

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