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 Open Call: Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Posted by: Andrew Livingstone
Title/Position: Lecturer in Social Psychology
School/Organization: University of Stirling
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 15th, 2012

Journal of Social and Political Psychology: Special Section on “Societal Change”

Edited by Colin Wayne Leach, Leda Blackwood, Andrew Livingstone

We invite submissions to a special section on “societal change” for the Journal of Social and Political Psychology -- a new, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online by PsychOpen:

Manuscripts can be theoretical articles, review articles, original research reports, replications and refinements, or commentaries. We are especially interested in submissions that reflect on the strengths and limits of traditional approaches to societal change in social and political psychology, such as work on collective action, social movements, prejudice, inequality, power, stigma, social identity, and ideology. In addition, we encourage submissions that offer innovative views and/or identify how the study of societal change might be enriched by other perspectives, within and outside of psychology and academia.

As a first step, potential contributors may submit a 1-page summary of their planned article by 15 December 2012. The special section editors will then invite full-length article submissions for peer review. The deadline for full submission of invited articles is 1 May 2013. All submissions may be made via the journal’s on-line system:

Important Dates:
- 15 December 2012: 1-page summary of proposed contribution due
- 10 January 2013: Invitations for full submissions
- 1 May 2013: Full submissions due

JSPP publishes articles at the intersection of social and political psychology that substantially advance the understanding of social problems, their reduction, and the promotion of social justice. JSPP publishes high-quality work that:
- represents different epistemological, methodological, theoretical, and cultural perspectives and from different regions across the globe;
- creatively stimulates academic scholarship through innovation, questioning of assumptions, critical analysis, controversy and debate;
- discusses ethical issues and implications for applications aimed at social betterment and the promotion of social justice (in education, policymaking, professional practice, and/or advocacy and social action).

JSPP is part of a larger movement of high-quality open-access journals that offer alternatives to commercial publications with restricted access. JSPP is published by PsychOpen at and does not charge any fees to authors or readers.

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