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 Postdoc Position in Social and Consumer Psychology
Posted by: Tanya Chartrand
Title/Position: Roy J. Bostock Marketing Professor; Prof of Psych.
School/Organization: Duke University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 19th, 2012

Duke University is seeking applications for a postdoctoral fellow at the Fuqua School of Business for the 2012-13 academic year, with funding for a second year highly likely. 
The position is in the area of social cognition, with an application to consumer psychology. The position is designed to facilitate a transition from pure social psychology to a mix of social and consumer psychology. The expectation is that the Fellow will be appointed as an assistant professor in a top-tier research-focused business school upon completion of the fellowship. The Fellow will work under the direction of Tanya Chartrand and Gavan Fitzsimons at Duke, and will also have the opportunity to work regularly with other members of Duke’s Motivation and Social Cognition lab (e.g., Grainne Fitzsimons, Aaron Kay, Jim Shah). The fellowship is 100% research focused (i.e., requires no teaching).

The fellowship is relatively unique in that it is funded by a large global media organization interested in understanding the psychology of consumers. The Fellow will have an opportunity to gain insight into what senior managers and researchers in a leading global media organization struggle with from a research perspective (giving the Fellow high level business experience that will help with ultimate placement in a b-school). As the company’s headquarters are in Australia, it is highly likely that the Fellow will spend a block of time (up to 2 months a year) in Australia overseeing research conducted there. Travel and lodging costs associated with this travel will be covered by the fellowship.

The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. in social psychology, a strong background in experimental work, and an interest in transitioning to a faculty position in a business school upon completion of the postdoc.

To apply, please email your CV, examples of papers you have authored, a research statement stating why this postdoc would fit well with your future interests, and two letters of recommendation to: and

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2012. Duke University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

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