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 Research Participant Social Security Numbers
Posted by: Carol Miller
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of Vermont
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: November 30th, 2011

Hi All,

My university requires researchers to collect participant social security numbers if they receive any compensation, no matter how tiny, on the slight chance that a participant might receive compensation or other payment from the university that pushes the participant's total compensation over the $600 threshold that triggers a requirement that the university report this income to the IRS (with a 1099 form, in case you were interested).

This requirement creates a problem for us recruiting participants for a web-based study, where there is no personal contact between us and participants. Most people are justifiably unwilling to reveal social security numbers to receive a payment of a couple of dollars for completing a short survey.

What is the policy at your institution? Are you able to compensate participants small amounts of money without collecting social security numbers? Have you had to make this case to your institution, and if so what arguments did you find to be effective?

Thanks for your help.


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