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 New Factor Analysis Book Available
Posted by: Duane Wegener
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Ohio State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: November 17th, 2011

New short paperback book on Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

- Written by social psychologists Lee Fabrigar (Queen's University) and Duane Wegener (Ohio State University)

- Conceptual (non-mathematical)

- Focused on understanding and making informed choices (e.g., method of model fitting, number of factors, rotation of factors) when using EFA to identify constructs or build measures

- Provides example analyses (using widely available software, including SPSS, SAS, and a free downloadable program, CEFA) in book and on accompanying web site

- Part of new Oxford University Press (OUP) series on Understanding Statistics

- Advance copies are in; officially available for sale on 11/24 (at OUP site or Amazon)

- Available for Winter 2012 classes (should serve well to cover the EFA portion of a more general multivariate statistics or covariance structure modeling/structural equation modeling course)

- An accessible introduction for people wanting to learn EFA without taking a course on EFA

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