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 SPSP Early Bird Registration Ends November 23rd
Posted by: Toni Schmader
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of British Columbia
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 16th, 2011

Are you still on the fence about staying at the SPSP conference hotel in San Diego? Here are the Top 10 Reasons to book a room in the Marriott Marquis San Diego by November 23, the last day for Early Bird Registration and the last day you can take advantage of the hotel reservation discount:

10. Enjoy gorgeous views of the sunset over San Diego Bay from your hotel room.

9. Where else might you share the elevator with SPSP President, Todd Heatherton?

8. Enjoy the convenience of catching up with colleagues and friends by the new pool bar.

7. Our contract with the hotel gives us free use of meeting rooms for special events, receptions, and meetings, but these assume that we will sell a given number of rooms. Help support the SPSP Convention by staying in the Conference hotel.

6. When we don’t sell our contracted number of rooms, we run the risk of not being able to attract good bids from other desirable cities in the future. Then we will be back in Albuquerque or Memphis.

5. All SPSP convention hotels are inspected prior to booking to ensure quality. Do you really want to roll the dice with whatever hotel happens to be cheapest on an online booking site?

4. The Marriott Marquis is the most convenient location to the San Diego Convention Center. No need to lug your conference poster across several city blocks or worry about finding a cab.

3. New in 2011, Registration Discounts of 33% for students/post docs and 20% for regular members who book in the conference hotel!

2. Don’t forget the boost to well-being that comes from doing something for the good of your group.

1. We mentioned the pool bar, right?

Visit the SPSP meeting website to take advantage of the hotel discount before time runs out. The last day of Early Bird Registration is November 23rd:

Toni Schmader, Chair
SPSP Convention Committee

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