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 NYU Postdoctoral Academic Diversity Fellowship
Posted by: Jay Van Bavel
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 5th, 2011

New York University has created the NYU Postdoctoral Academic Diversity Fellowship Program to attract and support promising scholars and educators from different backgrounds. Applicants who are interested in completed the fellowship in the social psychology program are strongly encouraged to apply. To learn more about the social psychology program at NYU and faculty interests please see:

If you are interested in working with specific faculty members, please contact them directly.

All materials must be received by November 15, 2011.

NYU will award up to five fellowships in 2012. The two-year appointments, which begin September 2012 and end August 2014, have a possibility of a third-year extension.

Compensation and Allowances
Fellows will be appointed as “Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow” and will receive a $40,000 nine-month salary; an annual housing allowance ($20,000); a research allowance ($2,000); and reimbursement for one-time relocation fees (up to $3,000). The University also provides a benefits package.

Application Procedure
Required application materials include: (1) a fellowship application; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a statement of research and goals; (4) a personal statement detailing the reasons for applying for the fellowship; (5) three letters of reference from individuals familiar with your scholarly or creative work; and (6) and one of the following: a dissertation abstract (postdoctoral applicants); or a statement of how your professional experience prepares you for a faculty position (professionals). Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

To learn more see:

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