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 Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Business School
Posted by: Michael Norton
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Harvard Business School
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 28th, 2011

The Harvard Business School invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Computer Laboratory for Experimental Research (CLER). The CLER is a central resource for conducting experimental and human subjects research at HBS, and serves approximately 25 faculty researchers each year, supporting research in fields such as decision making, experimental economics, marketing, organizational behavior, and strategy.

Previous CLER Postdoctoral Fellows have had the opportunity to collaborate with HBS faculty including Teresa Amabile, Max Bazerman, Amy Cuddy, Francesca Gino, and Michael Norton.

The Postdoctoral Fellow serves as a liaison between researchers who use the CLER lab and the staff who support the lab to ensure successful operation of experiments at HBS. This includes:
• Working with researchers to design, develop, program, and refine experiments;
• Ensuring the successful running of specific experiments and the overall operation of the lab;
• Supporting or conducting experiments using psychophysiological approaches such as eye-tracking, facial expressions analysis, skin conductance;
• Working with researchers and programmers to identify the best short- and long-term technical solutions for programming experiments;
• Developing and expanding experimental infrastructure;
• Implementing projects which enhance HBS research capabilities;
• Evaluating and monitoring the quality of the CLER subject pool and developing strategies to improve subject recruitment and participation; and
• Keeping abreast of evolving technologies and methodologies in the field of experimental research, worldwide.

The Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to spend 60% of his or her time in support of the CLER and 40% on his or her own research, which may be in collaboration with other CLER researchers. He or she reports to the Director of Research Computing Services, in the Division of Research and Faculty Development (DRFD), and works closely with the other members of the CLER team, which includes a manager of research operations, a programmer, a subject pool administrator, and a lab technician.

Applicants must have three to five years relevant experience in experimental research and a Ph.D. in a related field. Ability to manage complex technical development projects and collaborate with senior level researchers on their work. Proficiency in research design required. Experience with emerging research hardware and software strongly desired. Strong customer service orientation. demonstrated problem solving, organizational ability, initiative and communication skills.

Consideration of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Candidates should submit a current CV, three letters of reference, and copies of publications and working papers, if available. Materials should be submitted online to:

If there are materials that can only be sent in hard copy, please send them to:

Harvard Business School
Faculty Administration
Attn: CLER Research Fellow Application
Morgan Hall T25
Soldiers Field Road
Boston, MA 02163

Recommenders may submit letters directly at:

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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