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 Available for Meeting Interested Parties at SESP
Posted by: Amber Story
Title/Position: Deputy Division Director, BCS
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 6th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I just wanted to follow up on the recent post from Kelli Craig-Henderson about two program director positions open at the National Science Foundation – one in Cognitive Neuroscience and one in Social Psychology. I will be at SESP next week and would be happy to speak to anyone who is interested in the opportunity to serve as a rotator at the National Science Foundation.

We have a very strong rotator program here at NSF, and indeed half of all of our program directors are rotators. They usually have posts as university professors or research scientists and take 1-3 years off of their usual duties to come to NSF. (They need not use a sabbatical to do so, as most institutions allow rotators to take a leave of absence for such activities.) The Foundation benefits from the new knowledge, expertise, and perspectives rotators bring to managing their scientific programs. The rotators benefit by learning more about the grant process and how they might affect science policy within the Federal government. Rotators can have a significant effect in shaping future opportunities for their own field and others. And the experience can open up new career opportunities for rotators.

To qualify candidates need to have a PhD in a relevant field as well as six years of research administration and/or managerial experience.

For those of you who will be attending SESP, I will be around primarily on Friday, October 14. For those who are not attending SESP, please feel free to contact me at or (703) 292-7249, if you have any questions or want further information. Thank you very much.

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