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 Call for Unpublished Data: Person Perception
Posted by: Konstantin Tskhay
Title/Position: Graduate Student
School/Organization: University of Toronto
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 14th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Dr. Nicholas Rule and I are in the process of finalizing a meta-analysis on the perception of ambiguous groups. Perceptually ambiguous groups are defined as social groups whose members are not characterized by any obvious perceptual marker (e.g., religious, political, sexual orientation). Members of such groups are hard to notice; and we are interested in any literature that provides quantitative data on the identifiability of members of such groups.

If you have any studies, published or unpublished, that you think might be relevant to this topic, we would be enormously grateful if you might consider sending us PDF reprints, citations, data, or output results to be included in our meta-analytic review. Naturally, we of course welcome any null findings or other “file-drawer” work that you might not have planned to publish.

Thanks for your consideration,

Konstantin Tskhay ( and
Nick Rule (
University of Toronto

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