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 Position Announcement for New Program Director
Posted by: Kellina Craig-Henderson
Title/Position: (Interim) Deputy Division Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 3rd, 2011

Dear Colleagues:

The National Science Foundation is seeking qualified candidates for a program director position in the Social Psychology program, within the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Arlington, VA.

NSF Program Directors bear the primary responsibility for carrying out the agency's overall mission to support innovative and merit-reviewed activities in basic research and education that contribute to the nation's technical strength, security, and welfare. Fulfilling this responsibility requires not only knowledge in the appropriate disciplines, but also a commitment to high standards, a considerable breadth of interest and receptivity to new ideas, a strong sense of fairness, good judgment, and a high degree of personal integrity.

The Social Psychology Program at NSF supports basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span. Among the many research topics supported are: attitude formation and change, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, and the psychophysiological and neurophysiological bases of social behavior. The program supports research that is theoretically grounded, based on empirical observation and validation, and has the potential to significantly advance fundamental understanding of social behavior.

For more information about this, please see the following link:

If I can answer any questions, please feel free to follow up.


Kellina Craig-Henderson, Ph.D.
National Science Foundation

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