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 Postdoctoral Research Fellow position
Posted by: Rebecca Pinkus
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: School of Psychology, University of Western Sydney
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: July 25th, 2011

Dear Listserv members,

Please see the advertisement below for a postdoc position at the University of Western Sydney.
Individuals who have interdisciplinary research interests in social psychology and visual perception, cognition, or associative learning are strongly encouraged to apply.

Feel free to contact me with any questions about UWS or the Foundational Processes of Behaviour research concentration.

Rebecca Pinkus

Dr. Rebecca Pinkus
School of Psychology
University of Western Sydney (Bankstown Campus)
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, AUSTRALIA
t: +61 2 9772 6729
f: +61 2 9772 6757


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Foundational Processes of Behaviour, School of Psychology
Ref 576/11

We are seeking an energetic, forward thinking, dynamic, and innovative post-doctoral researcher to join the Foundational Processes of Behaviour group within the School of Psychology. The successful applicant is expected to have an excellent research background in any of the areas of the group - Visual Perception, Cognition, Associative Learning or Experimental Social Psychology - and an interest in working across two or more of these areas. The successful applicant is also expected to be developing a strong international standing and research reputation, have an excellent publication record and the potential to win competitive research income.

The Foundational Processes of Behaviour group is an emerging research concentration consisting of Drs Michael Tyler, John Cass, Tamara Watson, Rachel Robbins, Gabrielle Weidemann, Rebecca Pinkus and Phoebe Bailey. The School of Psychology is located at the Bankstown campus of the University of Western Sydney and has strong links with the internationally renowned MARCS Auditory Laboratories.

This is a fixed term appointment for a period of 2 years.

Remuneration Package: Academic Level A Step 3-4 $86,942 to $92,239 p.a.; (comprising Salary $73,467 to $77,943 p.a.; 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading).

Position Enquiries: Dr Michael Tyler, (02) 9772 6507; email

Closing Date: 5 September 2011

Position Description can be found at:

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