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 Call for Papers: Special Issue on Self-Regulation
Posted by: Arnd Florack
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Vienna
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: May 6th, 2011

Call for Papers
Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology
“Self-Regulation and Strategic Motivational Orientations in Economic Contexts”

Understanding the self-regulatory processes and strategic motivational orientations that enable individuals to guide their behavior across changing environments and circumstances in a sustainable way is a key to sow the seeds for individual well-being and economic wealth. Hence, models of self-regulation have inspired research in many areas of psychology, and, have more recently spread to classic research areas in the field of behavioral economics. Theories of self-regulation focus on the role strategic orientations play in goal pursuit, and these orientations are assumed to shape, for instance, cooperation and trust, consumer behavior and spending as well as affective experiences and information processing in economic contexts.

We invite contributions to a special issue on “Self-Regulation and Strategic Motivational Orientations in Economic Contexts” that illuminate the role of self-regulation and strategic motivational orientations regarding judgments and behaviors in economic contexts. In particular, we are interested in empirical and theoretical contributions that are based on the following theoretical perspectives:

• Achievement Goal Models
• Action-State-Orientation Approach
• Behavioral Activation / Inhibition Approach
• Human Values
• Regulatory Focus Theory
• Regulatory Mode Theory
• Regulatory Engagement Theory

Theoretical contributions should be specifically devoted to the discussion of (a) commonalities and differences and (b) a potential integration of the various models of self-regulatory orientations and their implications for behavior in economics contexts.

Interested authors are also invited to contact the special issue editors Arnd Florack ( and Johannes Keller ( to discuss the fit of various topics to the special issue.


Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines outlined on the website of the Journal of Economic Psychology:

Manuscripts should be submitted by October 31, 2011 through that website. Authors should select "Special Issue Self-Regulation" as article type, and also indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript should be considered for the special issue on "Self-Regulation and Strategic Motivational Orientations in Economic Contexts".

Arnd Florack and Johannes Keller
Special Issue Editors

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