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 2011 AWP LUMA Award
Posted by: Lauri Hyers
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: West Chester University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 20th, 2011

Association for Psychology of Women
Lesbian Psychologies Unpublished Manuscripts Award

Purpose: The Association for Women in Psychology encourages theoretical and empirical scholarship that addresses the psychology of lesbians.

Topics: Unpublished manuscripts focusing on any topic relevant to the psychology of lesbians are invited.

Eligibility: Manuscripts (conference papers, dissertations, or other manuscripts) must be unpublished and not in press for review or publication at the time of submission. Both sole and jointly authored papers are eligible. You do not have to be an AWP member to submit. Manuscripts must be no more than 50 pages.

Deadline: June 1, 2011

Submission: The following material must accompany submissions: 1) A single page cover sheet with the author's name, address, phone number, email address, and title of the paper, and 2) The full manuscript with author's name removed from anywhere in the paper itself. Please email the above information to Lauri Hyers ( If you have any questions, email to the same email address (preferred) or call 610-436-2925.

Review: A panel of AWP members will conduct a review of the anonymous manuscripts. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of sound methodology, clarity of writing, and relevance to the advancement of the psychology of lesbians.

Award: The award will be announced at the American Psychology Association convention in August. The award recipient will be invited to present the manuscript at the Annual AWP conference and will receive up to $250 in transportation expenses.

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