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 Summer Internship Opportunity at VU University
Posted by: Hans IJzerman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: VU University, Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 28th, 2011

Summer Internship Opportunity at Social and Organizational Psychology at VU University Amsterdam - please distribute to talented Bachelor students

For our research programs, The Social Psychology in Interaction (SPIN) and The Psychology of Leadership, Groups, and Organizations (LEGO) at the Social and Organizational Psychology Department at VU University Amsterdam, we are seeking the brightest and most motivated research assistants interested in receiving hands-on training in psychological research. We offer you the opportunity to apply to our summer 2011 internship program. In this volunteer internship program we aim to immerse you in every aspect of the research process, led by Prof. Dr. Paul van Lange and Prof. Dr. Mark van Vugt. We will provide training specific to our research programs. This includes hypothesis generation, designing studies, creating materials for studies, running studies, entering the data, doing data analysis and writing. During this process you will be working in an internationally oriented and diverse team, under the supervision of our Ph.D. students. The research foci of the department are leadership, embodiment, diversity, pro-social behavior, interpersonal trust and relationships.

The dates of the program are either June 1st – July 31st, or August 1st – September 30th. We generally prefer a full-time commitment, though dates and daily schedules are flexible to accommodate your needs. Undergraduates interested in pursuing graduate studies in Social and Organizational Psychology are especially encouraged to apply.

If you would like to apply or find out more about this internship program, please e-mail, with the subject header “VU Summer Internship Program”. In addition to sending a CV and unofficial transcript, please send a brief statement of interest detailing how working in our department in particular will help you develop your research interests and goals. You may also have faculty members send letters of recommendation on your behalf. Our policy is to use rolling admissions, so please apply as soon as you can.


Dr. Hans IJzerman
Department of Social and Organizational Psychology
VU University Amsterdam

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