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 Seeking New Editors
Posted by: Hans IJzerman
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: VU University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 1st, 2011

Position Title: Associate Editor

Description of the Magazine:

In-Mind Magazine is a leading international magazine intended to communicate social psychology to the general audience. We publish research overviews intended for such a broad audience. Only a little over 4 years old, we already have reached a number of unique visitors approximately 1,000 per day. Working with In-Mind means you will be cooperating with top graduate students and early Ph. D.'s from all over the world.

Job Summary:

Associate Editors will substantially edit peer-reviewed manuscripts and will be responsible for incorporating reviewer comments, questions, and changes into manuscripts. The associate editor will also be corresponding with authors to resolve queries, performing research to ensure manuscript accuracy and quality. The associate editor will further be responsible for final HTML make-up (no prior experience necessary, though recommended). Additional smaller duties related to the overall goal of the magazine may be requested from time-to-time. Please take note that all our positions are voluntary.

Minimum Skills and Requirements:

- At least third-year Graduate student (or higher) in Psychology (open for non-social psychologists)
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Work effectively toward common goals as a team member
- Identify potential problems and opportunities
- Listen to readers’ feedback and communicate their issues, needs, and interests to the Editor-in-Chief

Please send a curriculum vitae and a cover letter detailing your interests and insights for the magazine to Hans IJzerman (

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