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 M.A. Program in Experimental Psychology
Posted by: Thomas Ford
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Western Carolina University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 21st, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Psychology at Western Carolina University offers a research oriented Master of Arts degree in general experimental psychology. We ask that you share this brief program announcement with students who could benefit from obtaining a master’s degree before applying to Ph.D. programs. Applications for the M.A. program are due by February 15, 2011. Applications must be submitted online by accessing the following website:

For questions regarding the application process, please contact Dr. Alvin Malesky (

The M. A. program prepares students to attend a Ph.D. program in specialty areas of experimental psychology including social psychology. Through intensive research with faculty mentors and coursework, the M.A. program provides students with an informed basis for choosing a Ph.D. program as well as greater research skills, expertise in core areas of psychology, and credentials to pursue a doctoral degree.

The Department of Psychology has two social psychologists (Erin Myers and Thomas E. Ford) and six other Experimental faculty members with a broad range of expertise and research interests in experimental psychology. Below is a list of the Experimental faculty along with a brief description of their specialty areas and research interests. More detailed information about the M.A. program and faculty interests can be found on the Department of Psychology’s website:

Thomas E. Ford (Social Psychology: prejudice, disparaging humor and discrimination, humor and coping with stress, and the relationship between religion and prejudice). Social Psychology Laboratory website:

Winford Gordon (Experimental Psychology: implicit attitudes, cognition and meta-cognition in non-humans, psychological processes and change during adventure activity)

John Habel (Educational Psychology: narrative and life histories, teaching/learning in higher education)

Bruce B. Henderson (Developmental Psychology: development and exploration of curiosity)

Harold A. Herzog (Psychobiology: evolution of behavior, attitudes toward animals)

Erin Myers (Social Psychology: social implications of self-esteem, fragile self-esteem, gender, and narcissism)

William Poynter (Experimental Psychology: vision science, human factors psychology)

Debra Racey (Cognitive Psychology: behavioral variability as a component of learning, creativity and problem solving, judgment and decision making)

Thank you,

Tom Ford
Department of Psychology
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 227-2109

Erin Myers
Department of Psychology
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 227-2458

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