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 Last Call Justice and Morality Preconference SPSP
Posted by: Kees van den Bos
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Utrecht University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 20th, 2010

Last Call Justice and Morality preconference SPSP 2011

The program of the Justice and Morality preconference at SPSP 2011 is now known and posted on the website:

Presentations include the following:

Naomi Ellemers, Moral Accountability: How the Desire to be Moral Affects Psychophysiological Responses and Goal Orientation in Motivated Behavior

Chenbo Zhong, Physical Cleanliness and Moral Purity

Jon Haidt, What the Left Doesn’t Know about Morality (and why it Inadvertently Commits  6 Kinds of Sacrilege)

Kristin Laurin, Grainne Fitzsimons, and Aaron Kay, Social Status and the Self-Regulatory Function of Justice Beliefs

Ryan S. Ritter and Jesse Lee Preston, Gross Gods and Icky Atheism: Disgust Responses to Rejected Religious Beliefs

Ezra M. Markowitz, Is Climate Change an Ethical Issue? Examining Young Adults’ Beliefs About Climate and Morality

Benoit Monin, Moral Self-Defense

Darcia Narvaez, The Epigenetics of Moral Development

Kim Wade-Benzoni, Legacies, Immortality, and the Future: The Psychology of Intergenerational Decisions

With this last call we would like to inform you that there are only some places left and that you can register at the website:

The preconference will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center on Thursday, January 27, 2011 (8:30 - 4:30 PM) and includes breakfast as well as a buffet lunch.

Looking forward seeing you at January 27!

Kees van den Bos and Chris Bauman

Kees van den Bos
Professor of Social Psychology
Utrecht University

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