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 Faculty Position in Human Computer Interaction
Posted by: Jon Kelly
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Iowa State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 17th, 2010

Iowa State University
Human Computer Interaction
Assistant or Associate Professor

Iowa State University invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position to enhance its growing academic and research program in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) beginning in August 2011. HCI at ISU is an interdepartmental graduate program that has experienced substantial expansion during its seven-year existence, with over 140 graduate students and 70 faculty members across all colleges. It provides an ideal environment for interdisciplinary collaboration with leaders in the field. To complement the existing strengths of the program, candidates with a demonstrated interest and background in HCI, including interface and interaction design, industrial design, usability, learning sciences, behavioral science, social media, or research methods in HCI are encouraged to apply. The research component will build on interdisciplinary work already under way in the program and at Iowa State University’s Virtual Reality Applications Center.

Position responsibilities include leading and implementing research projects in HCI-related fields, seeking external funding, teaching graduate courses on-campus and online, and advising Masters and Ph.D. level students. Attractive start-up packages are available. The tenured or tenure-track appointment will be made in one of the academic departments participating in the HCI graduate program. Applicants seeking appointment in the academic units of Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Computer Science, Engineering, Psychology, Statistics, Journalism & Mass Communication, or Management Information Sciences are particularly encouraged to apply.

Iowa State University, one of the nation’s leading land-grant institutions, is located in Ames, Iowa. Ames is known for its top-quality education from kindergarten to graduate school and has been ranked within the top 20 places to live in America by several publications. Ames is located 30 miles north of Des Moines and is 3-4 hours from Minneapolis, Omaha, and Kansas City. For more information on Ames, Iowa, see:

Required Qualifications: For the rank of Assistant Professor, the successful candidate will possess (a) an earned doctorate in HCI or a terminal degree appropriate to their discipline in an HCI-related area, (b) a record of, or potential for, interdisciplinary scholarly research and acquisition of external funding in an HCI-related field, and (c) demonstrated teaching experience. Additional requirements for appointment at a higher rank include an established record of scholarly publications, external funding appropriate for a research-intensive university, record of professional service, and evidence of leadership or national visibility within the field.

Preferred Qualifications: Publication record with ACM SIGCHI or equivalent HCI venues; experience designing and teaching online courses; experience working with diverse populations; demonstrated interdisciplinary leadership.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications.

All offers of employment, oral and written, are contingent upon the university’s verification of credentials and other information required by federal and state law, ISU policies/procedures, and may include the completion of a background check.

To Apply: All application materials must be submitted electronically at:

Once on the website, search by Vacancy ID #100704 and apply by clicking on “Apply for this Vacancy”. Please be prepared to enter or attach the following:

1. A letter of application addressing your qualifications for this position,
2. A complete curriculum vitae,
3. A scholarly manuscript (published, presented, or submitted) (please attach as “Other Documents”) and
4. Contact information (include name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail) for three references.

Further information can be found at
Questions can be addressed to James Oliver, the Chair of the Search Committee, at

Application Deadline: Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled.

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