Listserv Message Center

Three Psychology Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Positions |
Posted by: | Rebecca Pinkus |
Title/Position: | Lecturer |
School/Organization: | University of Western Sydney |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | November 8th, 2010 |
Dear Listserv Members,
Please distribute this message to anyone who may be interested. Feel free to contact me regarding any questions about the School of Psychology at UWS.
The School of Psychology wishes to make three appointments to outstanding scholars with expertise in human learning, social psychology, and advanced research methods, respectively. Expertise in research methods appropriate to clinical psychology will be an advantage for the research methods position, as will associated expertise in any other core area of psychology. The School is actively developing its research profile in human learning and social psychology, and offers successful applicants access to research laboratories tailored to their research needs.
Successful applicants will hold a PhD in psychology, will have an established record of research and publication, and demonstrated expertise in quality teaching. Appointees will be based at the Bankstown Campus of UWS.
The University reserves the right to appoint at an Academic Level B (Lecturer) or Academic Level C (Senior Lecturer) depending upon the skills, qualifications and experience of the successful applicants.
Remuneration Package:
Academic Level B $93,187 to $109,962 p.a. (comprising Salary $78,744 to $92,984 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading), or
Academic Level C $113,291 to $129,956 p.a. (comprising Salary $95,829 to $110,073 p.a., 17% Superannuation, and Leave Loading)
Position Enquiries: Dr Adelma Hills, 02 9772 6593 or email am.hills@uws.edu.au
Closing Date: 2 December 2010
For information on the position description and how to apply, please click the following link:
Dr Rebecca Pinkus
School of Psychology
University of Western Sydney (Bankstown Campus)
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, AUSTRALIA
t: +61 2 9772 6729 f: +61 2 9772 6757 e: r.pinkus@uws.edu.au