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 Two Master of Psychological Science Programs
Posted by: Eric R. Igou
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: University of Limerick
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 10th, 2010

Dear Colleagues:

I am very pleased to inform you that we offer to new master programmes at the University of Limerick: the Master of Psychological Science and the Master of Psychological Science in Social Psychology.

Best wishes from Ireland,


Master of Psychological Science

The 1-year Master of Psychological Science (MPsychSc) programme is based on a collaboration of the Department of Psychology (Faculty of Education and Health Sciences), the Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering / Design and Technology (Faculty and Science and Engineering), the Department of Personnel and Employment Relations (Kemmy Business School), and the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department (Faculty of Education and Health Sciences). The programme provides students with a large menu of modules that reflect the breadth of psychological research and its applications. With key emphases on methods and the science of psychology the programme represents an exit route for those interested in research careers in the voluntary/state sector. And the programme provides an excellent basis for entry to doctoral level degree programmes in psychology.

Master of Psychological Science in Social Psychology

The 1-year Master of Psychological Science in Social Psychology (MPsychSc Social Psychology) programme is based in the Department of Psychology (Faculty of Education and Health Sciences). The new and vibrant department has an explicit focus on the area of Social Psychology, making it unique in Ireland. Our expertise lies in the areas of social identity, social development, social cognition and decision making, minority-majority relations, prejudice, social exclusion and crowd behaviour. The master programme thus reflects the core orientation of the department, and the additional emphases on methods and the science of psychology make this programme exceptional in the Republic of Ireland. The programme represents an exit route for those interested in research careers in the voluntary/state sector, and it provides an excellent basis for entry to doctoral level degree programmes in psychology.

Both programmes will start in September 2010. Applications are now being accepted. The late date for the receipt of complemented applications is first Friday in July. Applications received after the closing date may be considered if there are places available on the course.

For further information please contact me directly (email:; phone: +353 (0)61 234657) or visit the following web sites:

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