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 Postdoctoral Position at University of Leeds, UK
Posted by: Rhiannon Turner
Title/Position: Lecturer in Social Psychology
School/Organization: University of Leeds
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 4th, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below an ad for a postdoctoral position on indirect intergroup contact at the Institute of Psychological Sciences, University of Leeds, UK.

If you have any questions, please get in touch,

Research Associate
University of Leeds - Institute of Psychological Sciences
30 months fixed term (full time)

The successful candidate will join a programme of research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) investigating indirect forms of intergroup contact. This is a 30 month post starting as soon as possible.

In this project, a series of studies will be conducted to develop effective and long-lasting indirect contact interventions, identify the processes underlying these interventions, and examine the effect of indirect contact interventions on intergroup behaviour. The successful candidate will be responsible for recruiting participants, preparing research materials, and carrying out a series of experiments.

With an undergraduate degree in Psychology with BPS accreditation and a PhD in social psychology, the successful candidate will have effective interpersonal and communication skills and experience in using SPSS.

University Grade 7 (£29,853 - £35,646 p.a.)

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Rhiannon Turner, tel: +44 (0)113 343 6686, e-mail:

To apply on line visit and click on "jobs."

Alternatively application packs are available from Christine Cascarino, Institute of Psychological Sciences, tel: + 44 (0) 113 343 5718, email:

Job Ref: 314384

Closing date: Tuesday 2 March 2010

For more details, of this post, go to the following link:

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