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 2010 Mind & Life Summer Research Institute
Posted by: David Vago
Title/Position: Research Coordinator/Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School/Organization: Mind and Life Institute/Harvard Medical School
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 28th, 2010

Hello Friends of the Mind & Life Institute,

We are pleased to announce our upcoming Summer Research Institute centered on the theme: Human Development, Education and Contemplative Practice.

The 2010 Mind & Life Summer Research Institute will focus on linking the work in contemplative science and practice with the work in the developmental neurosciences, and educational sciences, to provide a scientific foundation from which we can investigate the feasibility, effectiveness and potential challenges of attempting to introduce secularized versions of contemplative practices into public educational settings.

The purpose of the 2010 Mind & Life Summer Research Institute is to advance collaborative research among developmental neuroscientists, and educational researchers and practitioners based on a process of inquiry, dialogue, and collaboration, with Buddhist contemplative practitioners and scholars and those in other contemplative traditions. The long-term objective of the Mind & Life Summer Research Institute 2010 is to advance the training of a new generation of developmental scientists, cognitive/affective neuroscientists, applied/clinical researchers, and contemplative scholar/practitioners interested in exploring the potential influences of contemplative practices in educational contexts on mind, behavior, brain function, learning and health of children and youth and those who care for them.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 Mind & Life Summer Research Institute to be held at the Garrison Institute ( in New York from June 14 to June 20, 2010. The application period will close on Sunday, February 21, 2010.

For a more detailed overview of the MLSRI, including information explaining applicant category, please go to:

To apply now, please go to: This is an online only application process -- no paper applications, either mailed or faxed, will be accepted. Attendance at the program is based upon a competitive online application process in which you will submit a CV/NIH Biosketch (max 2 pages), a short essay (max 400 words) regarding your interest in attending and two letters of recommendation. For detailed instructions about the application process or to apply, please go to:

There is an application fee of $45. The registration fee for Research Fellows is $350; for Senior Investigators, $675. This fee covers room and board for the program. In addition, each participant will be expected to cover his/her own travel expenses.

Please forward this message to anyone you know who might be interested in the MLSRI. We look forward to seeing you at the 2010 Mind & Life Summer Institute!

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