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 January Online SEM Workshops Using SmartPLS
Posted by: Geoffrey Hubona
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Georgia State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 6th, 2009

(apologies for cross-postings)

By request, we have scheduled two online structural equation modeling (SEM) workshops using SmartPLS for early January 2010. Online registration (which tends to fill up quickly) is open and there are still a few remaining spaces available. There are two January 2010 SmartPLS workshops:

(1) January 5-6, 2010, from 6PM until 10PM EST. To register for this workshop visit (6 spaces remain):

(2) January 8-9, 2010 from 9AM until 1PM EST. To register for this workshop visit (13 spaces remain):

(If you get an error message or a request for a username and password when you click on either of the above links, please try cutting and pasting the link directly into your browser url address bar.)

For information on content, cost, etc., please read this message or email or visit:

Please note that we have increased the contact hours for all of our workshops to 4 hours on each of two consecutive days (instead of 3 1/2 hours on two consecutive days). The fees for the workshops remain at: $250 for faculty and practitioners; and $150 for full time graduate students (who should use the discount code 'student7' when registering to realize the discount at checkout). If you register as a student, you may be asked to provide evidence of your full-time student status. Also, group discounts for registrations of five or more participants from the same organization may be negotiated. Registration fees are refundable (less a $25 processing charge) if the participant cancels his/her registration up to one week prior to the workshop.

In cooperation with: (1) the University of Hamburg ( and SmartPLS (; (2) Radboud University ( and PLS-School (; and (3) faculty at Georgia State University (, we are offering synchronous, live, interactive, video- and audio-supported online workshops for structural equation modeling (SEM) partial least squares (PLS) path modeling using SmartPLS. The live, synchronous, online workshops are conducted using the award-winning eLearning platform Elluminate Live ! The purpose of the online workshops is to inform participants of the uses and applications of PLS path modeling using SmartPLS and to provide live, "hands-on" demonstrations of the basic and intermediate techniques of using SmartPLS.

Each workshop consists of two integrated sessions on two consecutive days. All that is required to participate is a fast, reliable Internet connection (not dial-up) and a set of inexpensive headphones with a microphone (cost: $13 anywhere). There is no cost for participants to use the Elluminate Live ! platform. Participants will receive the SmartPLS software, all training materials, data sets, and slides from the training sessions, and access to high-fidelity reproductions of all of the presented live material after the workshop is completed (on Internet-provided recordings available free of charge for three months following the workshop). These workshop recordings are for individual participant use only, and include all video, audio and "hands-on" demonstrations and exercises.

The content and agenda for the two workshops is identical and is described below. Both workshops run for 4 hours on two consecutive days. The only difference is that one is offered in the morning (on the East Coast of the United States) for the convenience of participants in the Eastern US, Canada and Europe, whereas the second is offered in the evening (on the East Coast of the United States), for the convenience of participants in the Western US, Canada, and the Pacific Rim countries, including Japan, China, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia.

In addition to an introduction to PLS path modeling using SmartPLS, the following topics (in addition to others) are included:

SmartPLS Visual Interface
Scale Development
Bootstrapping vs. Jackknifing
PLS Algorithm
Theory Testing vs. Prediction
Assessment of PLS Path modeling estimates (measurement model and structural model)
Interpreting SmartPLS Output
Overall Goodness-of-Fit
Effect Size
Reflective vs. Formative indicators
Second-order Factor Models
Mediating Factors
Assessing the effect
Moderating Factors
Product indicator approach
Group differences approach
Three-Way Interactions
Determining strength of moderating effect
Two-stage approach
Non-linear Effects
Multi-Group Models
Heterogeneity, Segmentation and FIMIX-PLS

The workshop agenda approximates the following schedule. There are seven separate learning modules in each workshop, five of which conclude with a “hands-on” exercise using SmartPLS with existing data sets (provided).

(1) Introduction to PLS, Latent Constructs, SEM and SmartPLS
(2) Basic path modeling with SmartPLS
Basic path modeling exercise – TAM model data
(3) Evaluating PLS path models
Model evaluation exercise – UTAUT model data

(1) PLS algorithm, bootstrapping, jackknifing and blindfolding
(2) Mediation
Mediation exercise – Social presence model data
(3) Moderating variables
Moderation exercise – UTAUT moderating relationships
(4) Second order models, multi-group analysis, heterogeneous data and FIMIX-PLS
FIMIX-PLS exercise – UTAUT heterogeneous data

A more detailed agenda, or answers to any questions will be provided upon email request sent to

Thank you for your interest in SmartPLS !

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