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GPIR Preconference at SPSP 2010 |
Posted by: | Nina Hansen |
Title/Position: | Assistant Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Groningen |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | October 13th, 2009 |
Dear all,
We are happy to invite you for the Group Processes and Intergroup Relations Preconference at the SPSP convention next January, in Las Vegas, on January 28, 2010.This is an excellent opportunity to hear about and discuss new and interesting research in the field of group processes and intergroup relations. All of our speakers will address topics that also have relevance to broader societal issues.
The program includes a lineup of exciting invited speakers, a poster session, breakfast, coffee breaks, and a wine reception hosted by SAGE publications. In addition, this year two graduate students will present their work.
The full program and registration is now available at:
--Graduate Student Presentations--
New this year, we are inviting recent graduate students (PhD graduating 2008 or later) to submit proposals to give 15 minute talks at the preconference. Their presentations should address topics in the field of group processes and intergroup relations. The guidelines for these talks are the same as those for the SPSP conference (e.g., abstracts must include the specific goals of the study, the methods used, a summary of results, and a conclusion). Data must be collected prior to submission. All submission for presentations will also be considered for the poster session! Submissions can be made with you preconference registration online at:
The deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2009.
--Poster Session--
We welcome poster submissions describing original research on group processes and intergroup relations. Posters submissions are welcome from all registered conference participants and can be made with you preconference registration online at:
The deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2009.
With best wishes,
Nina Hansen and Stephen Wright
Nina Hansen
University of Groningen
Dept. Social & Organizational Psychology
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
NL - 9715 TS Groningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-50-3636229