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 Justice and Morality Preconference at SPSP '10
Posted by: Kees van den Bos
Title/Position: Professor of Social Psychology
School/Organization: Universiteit Utrecht
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 19th, 2009

We invite you to attend the Justice and Morality Preconference at SPSP 2010, to be held in the Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada on January 28, 2010.

This preconference will focus on justice and morality, two areas in social psychology that receive more and more attention in social psychology, and the preconference will focus on new and possibly groundbreaking insights into these areas, the interface between these domains, and the relationship with more general social psychology. We are very excited about the lineup of confirmed speakers, as we believe they will present research that is at the forefront of current thinking pertaining to both justice and morality:

Allan Lind
Fairness and Morality at the Interface of Individual and Community Interests

Nyla Branscombe
How Remembering a Victimized Past Affects Victim Expectations in the Present

Aaron Kay
Justice Beliefs, Status, and Self-Regulation

Josh Greene
Of Trolleys and Cheaters: Automatic and Controlled Processes in Moral Judgment

David Pizarro
Judging Acts vs. Judging People: A Person-Centered Approach to Moral Responsibility

Diederik Stapel
Descriptive Content and Affective Valence in Morality Judgments

The pre-conference will also include a poster session and a paper swap. Furthermore, there will also be an opportunity for graduate students to give 15-min. talks at the preconference. On the website you can find more information on this, including information how to submit your proposal.

Thanks to the generous support of the Linschoten Institute for Psychological Research at Utrecht University, the registration fee is $80 for faculty and $60 for students. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch, and coffee breaks.

To register please go to the web site:

Hope to see you on January 28th!

Kees van den Bos and Chris Bauman

Kees van den Bos
Professor of Social Psychology
Utrecht University

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