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 Research Assistant Prof./Postdoctoral Position
Posted by: Arlen Moller
Title/Position: Research Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Northwestern University, Preventive Medicine
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 31st, 2009

The Behavioral Medicine program in Northwestern University’s Department of Preventive Medicine is seeking highly qualified applicants for positions as Research Assistant Professor or Postdoctoral Fellow, depending upon qualifications. The Department of Preventive Medicine is comprised of 46 faculty members, of whom 9 are behavioral scientists, and 14 are biostatisticians. Our offices are located in downtown Chicago, near the Water Tower. We conduct research on behavioral risk factors (obesity, poor quality diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use) that incorporates psychological theory, behavioral economics, social networks, and technology; and we are engaged in creating cutting edge training resources to support both evidence based practice and effective team science.

The successful candidate will collaborate in ongoing research, grant-writing and manuscript preparation and will help to mentor research staff. S/he will have the use of data sets for publication and grant submission, and will have access to career development opportunities both through Northwestern University and the Hines Hospital VAMC. Qualifications include a doctoral degree in behavioral science, excellent training in research methodology and statistics, and strong writing skills. Expertise in the science of team science, decision science, and/or evidence-based practice are desirable but not required. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Northwestern offers excellent benefits.

Women and minority applicants encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. To apply, please send CV, statement of interest, and 3 letters of reference to Bonnie Spring, Ph.D, Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University, 680 N. Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1220, Chicago, IL 60614, or Northwestern University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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