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 Research Assistant Position at Harvard
Posted by: Jennifer Lerner
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Harvard University
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI
Date posted: July 30th, 2009

Dear Colleagues,

Please share this announcement with any good candidates. It is ideal for a recent college grad who would like to gain experience before applying to graduate school.

Jenn Lerner

Research Assistant Position, Harvard University

Duties & Responsibilities:

Professor Jennifer S. Lerner at Harvard University anticipates hiring a Research Assistant with a background in psychology. Professor Lerner directs the Harvard-wide Laboratory for Decision Science. The inter-disciplinary laboratory draws on psychology, economics, and neuroscience to study social and emotional influences on human judgment and decision-making. The Research Assistant will be a part of a growing and dynamic organization, working with team members who share two common goals: (a) discovering how the mind works and (b) bringing cutting edge science to bear on pressing policy problems. The research assistant will work closely with the lab director and the other lab personnel, including postdoctoral fellows, doctoral students, and undergraduate research assistants on both the content and the procedures of the research. The Research Assistant will also assist with: recruiting and testing human subjects; managing and summarizing data; supervising undergraduate research assistants; synthesizing research literature; organizing manuscript reviews; preparing talks; manuscripts, and grant proposals; and developing course materials. The assistant will also help ensure the timely and accurate completion of paperwork for internal and federal grant compliance. Finally, there will be opportunities to make creative contributions to the laboratory's research. The position is ideal for someone who wishes to gain research experience prior to pursuing a doctoral degree in graduate school. This is a one-year, renewable appointment.

Basic Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree. Experience in the conduct of research (e.g. report writing; data collection and analysis; and database management). Ability to manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced research environment. Comfort with multi-tasking to meet pressing deadlines. Excellent attention to detail and facility with quantitative data. Candidate must be highly motivated, organized, and have excellent interpersonal skills.

Additional Qualifications:

Experience in the conduct of empirical, scientific research. Course work in psychology, neuroscience, economics, statistics or related field desirable. The successful candidate would ideally have an interest in pursuing graduate-level research in the psychology of judgment and decision making.

Anticipated Start Date:

Fall, 2009

Application Process:

Send a cover letter and resume *in hard copy* to Professor Jennifer Lerner, Harvard Kennedy School, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138. Applications will be accepted until the position is full.

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