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 Subject Pool Requirements
Posted by: Eric Stocks
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Texas at Tyler
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 29th, 2009

Dear All,

I would like information about your department's policies regarding subject pool requirements and/or research participation requirements. We are trying to develop a subject pool, and the current policy is that students in Freshman/Sophomore-level courses are required to either (a) complete eight 30-minute credits by participating in research studies, or (b) complete eight 30-minute credits of documented community-based volunteer service. This policy is not working well in that most students opt for the volunteer service rather than the research option -- presumably because it is easier to complete in one quick chunk.

If your department has a subject pool and/or research requirement, please send me information about (a) the number of credits or hours you require, (b) the alternative to this policy, (c) issues you may have had with getting IRB approval for this policy, and (d) any other information you feel may be relevant. Any information you can provide would be appreciated, and I will post a summary of the results.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Eric Stocks

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