Listserv Message Center

Psychology Summer Institute |
Posted by: | Kyra D. Kissam |
Title/Position: | Professional Development Specialist |
School/Organization: | American Psychological Association |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | March 21st, 2009 |
July 19 – 25, 2009
Washington, DC
General Information:
The purpose of PSI is to provide advanced doctoral and early career participants with mentoring, educational, and professional development experiences that will advance them in the development of tangible projects, thus furthering their careers in psychology. PSI is designed to provide networking opportunities with federal and foundation representatives as well as leading ethnic minority psychologists from across the country.
The purpose of PSI is to provide training to participants who will soon transition or have recently transitioned from graduate school into the early stages of their careers. Therefore, graduate students who have defended their dissertation proposals, as well as early career psychologists, are eligible for this program. All participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Award Criteria:
The selection of awardees will be based upon the strengths and potential of their concepts, recommendation letters, the degree of match between the goals of PSI and applicant goals/qualifications, and availability within each track. Applicants will be notified by e-mail regarding the selection results shortly after the deadline.
Length of PSI:
The selected participants will arrive in Washington, DC on Sunday, July 20, and the institute will begin with an evening reception. The following six days of intensive training will be filled with seminars, mentoring, and time to further develop projects. Participants will return to their homes on Sunday, July 26.
Cost to Attend:
Those participants who are selected to participate will be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses related to PSI. Travel arrangements will be made directly with APA’s travel office and directly billed to MFP. Hotel accommodations will also be directly billed to MFP. The majority of meals will be covered by MFP.
PSI Format:
A maximum of 10 participants will be selected to participate in each of two tracks: Research and Services. In general, the daily schedule will be filled with plenary sessions (covering topics relevant to the entire group) and breakout sessions (covering topics relevant to each track). Peer mentoring and one-on-one mentoring will occur during the days and at group dinners. Time will be allotted for participants to further develop their projects. Each participant will be required to give a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation of her/his project.
List of Required Materials:
A complete PSI application includes the following documents:
• Application Form
• Statement of Purpose
• Concept Paper
• Curriculum Vitae
• Two Recommendation Letters
All documents must be submitted using our online process. Applicants and recommenders must submit the required materials via our web site at:
Seminars and Workshops:
• Grant Writing
• Cultural Competence
• Advanced Research Methods
• Program Evaluation
• Publishing
• Presenting
• Qualitative Research
• Reducing Health Disparities
• Career Development
• Funding Opportunities
• Ethics
• Advocacy
2009 Faculty:
• Keynote Speaker - Dr. Norman B. Anderson (APA CEO)
• Dr. A. Kathleen Burlew (University of Cincinnati)
• Dr. Ana Abraido-Lanza (Columbia University)
• Dr. Angela P. Cole (Howard University
• Dr. Michael P. Goh (University of Minnesota)
• Dr. Jeffery Scott Mio (California State University, Pomona)
• Dr. Jeanne Manese (University of California, Irvine Counseling Center)
• Dr. Miriam Martinez (University of California, San Francisco)
• Representatives from NIMH, SAMHSA, foundations and more (check our website for updates…)
Application Deadline for Online Submissions: May 15, 2009 at 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)