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 News About the British Journal of Social Psychology
Posted by: Jolanda Jetten
Title/Position: Professor of Social Psychology
School/Organization: University of Queensland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 26th, 2009

Dear all,

As the new editors of the British Journal of Social Psychology, we would like to highlight that, in addition to full-length articles, we now also invite brief report submissions.

As stated on the BJSP web site: "Brief reports should be limited to 3,500 words (including abstract, but excluding references, tables, and figures). Abstracts should not exceed 120 words. Brief reports may include research studies but we also welcome theoretical contributions. Paper evaluation will focus on the theoretical contribution, innovation and relevance to the Journal. Brief reports will be treated as a priority during the review process and they will also be prioritized once they are accepted." See for more information on the scope of BJSP, submission details, and other information for authors.

Another change to the journal that we would like to draw attention to is that we now publish an invited agenda article as the first article in the first part of every volume. We are pleased to announce that Russell Spears from the University of Cardiff will contribute the first invited agenda article to appear in the March issue of 2010.

We hope you consider BJSP as an outlet for your work in the years to come.


Jolanda Jetten & John Dixon
BJSP Editors

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