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 CFP: Social Psych. of the US Presidential Election
Posted by: Kevin Lanning
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Wilkes Honors College, FAU
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: January 19th, 2009

Announcing a call for papers on:
"The Social Psychology of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election"

Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP) is a journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) whose mission is the timely dissemination of socially-relevant psychological and social science scholarship. Consistent with this mission, the editor and editorial board are issuing a call for papers on the Social Psychology of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.

Submissions should be short papers of approximately 10-20 double-spaced manuscript pages including references. Potential areas of interest include the following:

• Studies of candidates, including content or other analyses of political addresses, debates, and advertisements, using analytic approaches informed by psychological theory and methods
• Studies of the electorate, or parts of the electorate, voting behavior, and disenfranchisement, including studies of political decision making (e.g., heuristics and biases, functional accounts of voting vs. not voting)
• Studies of media effects, including empirical analyses of appeals to emotions (such as fear and anger), of biases in coverage, as well as studies of persuasion
• Studies of political culture and identity, as these impacted or were impacted by the election
• Comparative analyses and international perspectives on the election
• And not least, studies of one or more aspects of the role of racism and sexism in the campaigns, in media coverage of the campaigns, and in voting behavior

Inquiries and submissions should be sent electronically to Guest Editor Kevin Lanning of Florida Atlantic University ( Manuscripts should be submitted by March 20, 2009 to insure full editorial consideration. The journal web site may be found at:

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