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 Listserv for Capital Area Social Scientists
Posted by: Art Kendall
Title/Position: President
School/Organization: Capital Area Social Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 18th, 2008

f you live in the Capital Area (DC, MD, VA,DE, WV) and are interested in sending and receiving news about local news for the behavioral and social science community, go to:

To join or leave the list, click "Join or Leave CAPITAL_AREA"

To see the kinds of news that has been posted, click a particular month or click "Search Archives."

The news might be about basic research ranging from prejudice and aggression to conformity and attribution, as well as about applied issues of program evaluation, terrorism, human rights, conflict
resolution, population, environment, and so forth.

The news might be about meetings, presentations, Congressional hearings, workshops, publications by local scientists, funding opportunities, jobs, and so forth.

Although the focus is on local events, we are also interested in topics that would have strong interest in the Capital Area. We have had news from psychology, sociology, statistics, political psychology, statistics, public opinion, and education.

For questions, contact Art Kendall at

Art Kendall
Capital Area Social Psychological Association (CASPA)
All CASPA news goes out through this listserv list.

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