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 Evaluating Prelims/Qualifying Exams
Posted by: Leonard Newman
Title/Position: Associate Professor, Area Director, Social Psych
School/Organization: Syracuse University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 16th, 2008

The social psychology area at Syracuse University is revising the procedures used to evaluate the papers our students write to pass their qualifying exams. These tend to be papers in the style of Personality and Social Psychology Review. In the past, a "thumbs up/thumbs down" system was used--that is, each faculty member voted to either pass or fail the paper. Now we are interested in providing more elaborate feedback in the form of ratings on various dimensions (such as logical coherence, originality, breadth of literature covered, organization, writing style, etc.)

We are interested in learning about similar systems in use elsewhere, so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. If anyone has such a system in place, we would be grateful if you could share the details with us (and including comments on how well the system works and what you would change about it if you could would be even better).

Thanks! As always, I will post a general summary to the list if there's enough to summarize (without sharing details about specific departments).

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