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 Postdoctoral Research Fellow: 24 Month Post
Posted by: Dr. Russell Hutter
Title/Position: Lecturer in Social Psychology
School/Organization: University of Leeds
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 5th, 2008

Faculty of Medicine & Health
Institute of Psychological Sciences
University of Leeds, UK

Research Fellow: Full time – 24 months fixed-term

Project: The prejudice reducing properties of social category combinations

Applications are invited for a Research Fellow to work on a project which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Under the direction of the Principle Investigator you will take responsibility for planning and executing this programme of research, leading the recruitment of participants, preparing research materials, carrying out a series of experiments, and analysing data to investigate whether exposure to surprising category combinations can reduce prejudice via a process of inconsistency resolution. You will also be expected to undertake some social psychological teaching and present at both national and international conferences

With a Ph.D. (or nearing completion of a Ph.D.) in social cognition or intergroup relations, you will have effective interpersonal and communication skills, and experience of using the statistical package SPSS and the experimental generation software E-Prime. You should have research experience in social psychology and more specifically, social cognition, intergroup relations and the development of interventions to reduce prejudice

The role is to available from March 2009 for a fixed term of two years

University Grade 7 (£29,704 – £35,469 p.a)

Informal enquiries to Dr. Russell Hutter, tel +44 (0)113 343 8467, email or Dr. Rhiannon Turner, tel +44 (0)113 343 6686, email

To apply online please visit and click on jobs

Alternatively application packs are available Christine Cascarino tel +44 (0)113 343 5718

Job ref 314280 Closing date 30 January 2009

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