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 Deadline: Call for Papers
Posted by: Freitas-Magalhaes
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology of Emotions
School/Organization: University Fernando Pessoa Health Sciences School
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 23rd, 2008

Dear Colleague,

I am in the process of preparing an edited volume entitled "Emotional Expression: The Brain and The Face." If your area of research fits in well in this edited volume, I wish to extend an invitation to you to submit for consideration a paper (theoretical or research) on your area of research.

The edited book will be peer-reviewed and will require APA guidelines in manuscript submission.

The paper should be no more than thirty (30) pages.

This book will be edited by Professor Freitas-Magalhães, University Fernando Pessoa Health Sciences School.

If you are interested, the deadline for submission of your paper is January 31, 2009. After this deadline, the papers will be reviewed and the status of your paper will be sent to you in eight weeks.

We want to have the book published by September 2009. We shall be happy to provide you with any further information.

The book will be useful to academics and practitioners as well as students in the area of Emotion Psychology and will be published by UFP Press.

I look forward to your kind and earliest response.

Warmest regards,

Freitas-Magalhães, Ph.D.
University Fernando Pessoa Health Sciences School
Facial Emotion Expression Lab

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