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Meta-Analysis Request: Sociocultural Adaptation |
Posted by: | Jessie Wilson |
Title/Position: | PhD Candidate |
School/Organization: | Victoria University of Wellington |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | November 17th, 2008 |
Dear Colleagues:
I am a PhD candidate supervised by Colleen Ward and Ronald Fischer at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, conducting a meta-analysis on use of the Sociocultural Adaptation Scale or SCAS (Searle & Ward, 1990; Ward & Kennedy, 1999) and sociocultural adaptation predictors. In order to compile as complete a dataset as possible, I would appreciate your assistance in gathering unpublished dissertations, conference proceedings, unpublished papers, student research projects, book chapters not listed on electronic databases such as PsychInfo, or other works in progress utilizing the SCAS.
I am specifically searching for information regarding:
Paper identification (e.g., author[s], date, place)
Number of SCAS items used
SCAS mean
SCAS standard deviation
SCAS alpha
Sample size
Sample type (e.g., expatriates, immigrants, refugees, exchange students)
Mean age
Female or male (% or N)
Country of origin (% or N)
Ethnicity (% or N)
Research design (cross-sectional, longitudinal)
Correlation table (r) between SCAS and all measured variables
The information above may be used as a template if it is not included in your research document.
It would be appreciated if these materials could be e-mailed to me (jessie.wilson@vuw.ac.nz) through December 1st, 2008 in a Word or PDF format.
I would be more than happy to provide you with the main findings from the meta-analysis or further information regarding my research at your request.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Kind Regards,
Jessie Wilson
PhD Candidate
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand