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 Update: SCAN Call for Papers
Posted by: Joan Chiao
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Northwestern University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 11th, 2008

Update: Manuscript submission and review for the special issue has begun. If you would like to submit a manuscript for the special issue, please send an abstract by this Saturday, November 15, 2008.

SCAN Call for Papers * Special Issue on Cultural Neuroscience *

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscienceinvites manuscripts for a Special Issue on Cultural Neuroscience to be compiled by guest editor Joan Chiao (Northwestern University).

The aims of the Special Issue on Cultural Neuroscience are two-fold. The first aim is to highlight recent empirical advances using human neuroscience and population genotyping techniques to investigate how culture influences neurobiological processes underlying a wide range of human abilities, from perception and scene processing to memory, emotion and social cognition, as well as how genetic and neural processes give rise to culture. The second aim is to review the theoretical and methodological issues with integrating anthropology, cultural psychology, human neuroscience and population genotyping approaches to the study of cultural neuroscience. By providing examples of the different kinds of bidirectional interactions between cultural, neural and genetic processes across multiple time scales (e.g., phylogeny, ontogeny, situation), the collection of articles in this special issue will serve to highlight the promise and progress of cultural neuroscience research.

Potential contributors are asked to provide an abstract for the manuscript they wish to submit to this special issue by this Saturday, November 15, 2008.

The broadest array of high-quality papers that address a variety of questions in cultural neuroscience will be asked to submit to the special issue. Following abstract submission, interested contributors are asked to submit completed manuscripts for peer review via online submission system by March 15, 2009.

Initial inquiries and abstracts for the special issue may be sent to Joan Chiao (

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