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 Job Posting: Researcher/Lecturer in London
Posted by: Lee Rowland
Title/Position: Senior Academic Fellow
School/Organization: Behavioural Dynamics Institute
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 23rd, 2008

Seeking a Social Scientist/Psychologist for research/lecturing post in London with travel – Immediate start – Full-time in the range of £35-50K

We are urgently seeking an early-career lecturer and researcher with a Doctorate in social psychology, sociology or related field. The initial post is for a 7 week project, with the opportunity to work on other projects thereafter. The ideal candidate would be a highly competent lecturer/seminar teacher, have published research that employs qualitative analysis or questionnaire data, and be committed, reliable and engaging.

We conduct research and training that specialises in strategic communications and target audience profiling ( within the military and political arenas. Currently, we have a number of projects in the Middle East and Asia, and forthcoming work is likely to involve the USA, Lithuania, and the Caribbean.

Candidates should have a background in one of the following areas: psychology; sociology; social or cultural anthropology; social psychology; or, any other similar subject area that includes group analysis, qualitative research methods, or quantitative methods for the social sciences.

The position is located just by Battersea Bridge, London. The current project involves an all-expenses paid teaching trip to Singapore for the first two weeks of December.

Please contact Dr Lee Rowland at: or enquire at 07857 352261.

This post is for an immediate start. Unfortunately, we are only be able to contact those candidates to whom we would like to offer an interview.

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