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 Teachers for Turnout
Posted by: Eric Johnson
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Columbia University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 21st, 2008

Apologies for possible cross posting, but take a look at and sign up if you like what you see.

We could really also use help forwarding this email and web site to friends and colleagues outside of psychology who teach voting age students.

--Eric Johnson, Eike Weber, with help from many social psychology friends

Here is what the site says:

Merely asking your students if they will vote increases turnout!

The upcoming election is important to us, but even more important to our students. Decisions made by those officials who will be elected November 4th will affect the future of the country that our students will inherit. Our goal is to increase student participation in the electoral process. Studies show that we can increase voting substantially with a simple question: Merely asking students if they will be voting increases turnout, by getting their commitment to vote.

After you sign up, you will find a suggested script that is designed to encourage voting. This should take less than 5 minutes of class time. We will also send you no more than two reminder emails and ask you, after election day, how things went. That's all.

Please help spread the word by forwarding this message to colleagues who also teach voter-age populations. With your help, we can make Teachers4Turnout a national success, and help our students vote.

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