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 Ph.D. at the Center for Decision Research
Posted by: Ayelet Fishbach
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Chicago
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 8th, 2008

The Center for Decision Research invites students who are interested in social psychology and decision science to apply to our Ph.D. program in Management and Organizational Behavior (MOB). Because judgment and decision making is a rich and multifaceted research area, the MOB is organized around an interdisciplinary spirit. The program is comprised of excellent faculty and students whose interests span social and cognitive psychology, organizational behavior, and behavioral economics. Students benefit from flexible coursework offered by the MOB and other departments, like psychology, public policy, and economics, and receive rigorous training in research through collaborative projects conducted with MOB faculty.

The faculty of the MOB aims to train and produce excellent scholars whose interests lie in bridging social psychology to related fields such as organizational behavior and economics. They investigate interpersonal perception and social cognition, as well as the influence of emotions, subjective well-being and happiness, conflicting motivations, and cultural influences on decision making. Faculty members include:

Eugene Caruso – Ph.D. in social psychology (2007), Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science

Nicholas Epley – Ph.D. in social psychology (2001), Professor of Behavioral Science

Ayelet Fishbach – Ph.D. in social psychology (2000), Associate Professor of Behavioral Science

Linda Ginzel – Ph.D. in psychology (1989), Clinical Professor of Managerial Psychology

Reid Hastie – Ph.D. in psychology (1973), Robert S. Hamada Professor of Behavioral Science

Christopher Hsee – Ph.D. in social psychology (1993), Theodore O. Yntema Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing

Joshua Klayman – Ph.D. in psychology (1982), Professor of Behavioral Science
Tanya Menon – Ph.D. in organizational behavior (1995), Associate Professor of Behavioral Science

Jane Risen – Ph.D. in social psychology (2007), Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science

Richard Thaler– Ph.D. in economics (1974), Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics

Bernd Wittenbrink– Ph.D. in social psychology (1994), Professor of Behavioral Science

George Wu – Ph.D. in decision sciences (1991), Professor of Behavioral Science

To learn more about the faculty and research, please visit:

and to learn about application and admission requirements, please visit:

or write to: Ph.D. Program, Chicago GSB, 5807 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 (Telephone: 773.702.7298, Fax: 773.702.5257,

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