Listserv Message Center

Jim McNulty Wins Close Relationships Early Career Award |
Posted by: | Arthur Aron |
Title/Position: | Professor |
School/Organization: | SUNY--Stony Brook |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | September 20th, 2008 |
The Relationship Researchers Interest Group (RRIG) within the Society for Personality and Social Psychology is very pleased to announce that Dr. Jim McNulty of the University of Tennessee has been named the 2008 Close Relationships Early Career Award (ECA) winner.
The Close Relationships Early Career Award recognizes a young investigator who is making significant contributions to research on close relationships as evidenced by an outstanding record of important and innovative research in the general area of close relationships. Dr. McNulty was recognized for his impressive body of empirical work, as well as for his important theoretical contributions to relationship science.
Dr. McNulty will be presenting an award address at the SPSP Close Relationships Preconference (February 5, 2009) in Tampa, “What's Adaptive for Some Shouldn't Be Practiced by All: When Positive Processes Help versus Harm Relationships.”
Other speakers at the preconference include Margaret Clark (title TBA), Elaine Hatfield (“Social Psychology and the Neuropsychology of Passionate Love”), Malcolm Parks (“Deeply Connected: Personal Relationships and Personal Networks”), Eric Turkheimer (“Marriage, Divorce and its Outcomes for Adults and Children: Methodological Advances, Substantive Doubts”), and Anita Vangelisti (title TBA).
The RRIG Steering Committee would like to extend a special thank-you to the talented group of young scholars who were nominated for this year's award, and to the individuals who nominated them. The Steering Committee was extremely impressed with the important work being conducted by all of this year's outstanding nominees—and what their work promises for the future of relationship science.
For more information on RRIG and the Close Relationships Preconference, please visit:
Arthur Aron
Chair, RRIG Awards Committee