Listserv Message Center

Faculty Positions at University of Iowa |
Posted by: | Paul Windschitl |
Title/Position: | Associate Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Iowa |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | September 4th, 2008 |
Dear Colleagues,
See below for information about two faculty positions in social/personality at the University of Iowa. One position is at the assistant level, and the other is at the associate or full level. Feel free to contact me (paul-windschitl@uiowa.edu), Jerry Suls (jerry-suls@uiowa.edu), or Alan Christensen (alan-christensen@uiowa.edu) with questions about these positions.
The Department of Psychology of the University of Iowa invites applications for two faculty positions in Personality and Social Psychology to begin in academic year 2009. One position is expected to be at the assistant professor level (tenure-track), the other position at the associate or full professor level (tenured). We encourage applications from candidates with strong research records in any area of social and/or personality psychology. The appointments require that the Ph.D. be received by August 9, 2009. The review of applicants will begin on October 15, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled. To apply please visit our electronic submission website at http://jobs.uiowa.edu/faculty and refer to requisition #55757 for the assistant professor position and #55772 for the senior faculty position. Materials including curriculum vita, copies of selected scholarly papers, and a research statement should be submitted electronically. Three letters of recommendation should be directed to Faculty Search Committee (specify either the assistant or associate/full search), Department of Psychology, 11 Seashore Hall E, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1407. Informal inquiries about either position can be directed to the Department Chair, Alan Christensen at alan-christensen@uiowa.edu
The Department and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are strongly committed to gender and ethnic diversity; the strategic plans of the University, College and Department reflect this commitment. Women and members of underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply. The Department of Psychology is experiencing a period of vigorous growth and enhancement, including $6 million in recent renovations of laboratory facilities and plans for an additional 10,000 square feet of renovated laboratory space to be added in the next 12-18 months. Candidates may visit our web site at www.psychology.uiowa.edu for more information regarding the Department and life in Iowa City. The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.